New Construction

Get in on the Ground Floor of Energy Efficiency

Incentives and expert insight for new construction and major renovations.


Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Whole Building Design Incentives offer a comprehensive approach to energy-efficiency improvements and high-performance building design on nonresidential projects. Our Systems Approach Incentives are for projects that don’t require LEED certification. Whether it’s a major renovation or new building, DTE Energy can help you create a solid energy-wise foundation to build on.

New construction and major renovation projects must involve facility improvements that result in measurable or verifiable electrical savings (kWh) and/or natural gas energy savings (Mcf) that exceed the requirements set forth in ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007, LEED or that exceed local building codes, whichever is more stringent.

Learn more about LEED and Design Review Assistance.

Incentives are based on three levels of LEED certification. Through this program, new construction and major renovation projects may include any one of the following:

  • New building projects, wherein no structure or site footprint presently exists.
  • Addition or expansion of an existing building or site footprint.
  • Major tenant improvements that change the use of the space and/or add new load.

The LEED Whole Building Approach provides an option for customers to receive a one-time $1,500 Assistance Incentive to help pay for LEED certification. Download the Program Catalog for more information; download the Program Application  to apply for the incentive.

This approach is most appropriate for less complex projects, those whose systems are designed at different times, and for projects in which consideration for energy efficiency occurs later in the design phase. Pre-determined incentives are available in the following categories: lighting power density, HVAC – gas and electric, process electric, miscellaneous—gas and electric, and food service—gas and electric.

  1. Verify your eligibility. See the Energy Efficiency Program for Business Policies and Procedures Manual*
  2. Submit a Reservation Application to reserve funding. (This is required for all custom and De-lamping measures and highly recommended for the rest of the Prescriptive measures.)
  3. Install your equipment or systems within 90 days of reservation confirmation.
  4. Submit the required documentation of project completion, costs and energy savings within 60 days of project completion.
  5. Submit your Final Application. Final Applications must be received within 60 days after project completion or by November 30 of each program year, whichever comes first.
  6. DTE Energy's Energy Efficiency Program for Business Staff will review your final project documentation. Incentive payments will typically be sent within four to six weeks from the time that all the documentation is received and the field inspection is complete.

New Construction and Major Renovation Program:

  1. To determine if your project qualifies, please contact DTE Energy's Energy Efficiency Program for Business Staff before you start your design at 866.796.0512.
  2. Download the Program Catalog for details on the program and information about the application.

Questions? Please contact us:

Contact the Energy Efficiency Program for Business at 866.796.0512. or 
PO Box 11289
Detroit, MI 48211

This web page provides a general program overview only. For full program specifications and requirements, please see the Energy Efficiency Program for Business Program Policies and Procedures* and our FAQs. The Policies and Procedures document outlines the rules and processes that govern the program. Applicants must follow the program rules as detailed in this document and the accompanying application. By signing the application agreement form, the customer agrees to all rules and requirements in place on the date of signature.